24 research outputs found

    Single document keywords extraction in Bahasa Indonesia using phrase chunking

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    Keywords help readers to understand the idea of a document quickly. Unfortunately, considerable time and effort are often needed to come up with a good set of keywords manually. This research focused on generating keywords from a document automatically using phrase chunking. Firstly, we collected part of speech patterns from a collection of documents. Secondly, we used those patterns to extract candidate keywords from the abstract and the content of a document. Finally, keywords are selected from the candidates based on the number of words in the keyword phrases and some scenarios involving candidate reduction and sorting. We evaluated the result of each scenario using precision, recall, and F-measure. The experiment results show: i) shorter-phrase keywords with string reduction extracted from the abstract and sorted by frequency provides the highest score, ii) in every proposed scenario, extracting keywords using the abstract always presents a better result, iii) using shorter-phrase patterns in keywords extraction gives better score in comparison to using all phrase patterns, iv) sorting scenarios based on the multiplication of candidate frequencies and the weight of the phrase patterns offer better results

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Eksekutif (Studi Kasus Di UGM)

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    Adanya inisiatif integrasi informasi di Universitas Gadjah Mada menumbuhkan kesempatan untuk pengembangan sistem informasi eksekutif. Sistem informasi eksekutif dapat memanfaatkan data dari pemilik data primer untuk menunjukkan indikator kinerja universitas. Pengetahuan tentang kinerja diharapkan dapat membantu pengambilan keputusan di level eksekutif universitas.Pembuatan sistem informasi eksekutif diawali dengan mengumpulkan berbagai informasi dari pemilik data primer ke dalam sebuah data warehouse. Langkah selanjutnya, dilakukan proses pengolahan data dengan luaran kinerja universitas. Informasi kinerja universitas ini ditampilkan dengan pendekatan Dashboard dalam sistem informasi eksekutif.Kata kunci—executive information system; data warehouse; mdx query; dashboard

    A Study on the Prevalence of Human Values in Software Engineering Publications, 2015-2018

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    Failure to account for human values in software (e.g., equality and fairness) can result in user dissatisfaction and negative socio-economic impact. Engineering these values in software, however, requires technical and methodological support throughout the development life cycle. This paper investigates to what extent software engineering (SE) research has considered human values. We investigate the prevalence of human values in recent (2015 - 2018) publications at some of the top-tier SE conferences and journals. We classify SE publications, based on their relevance to different values, against a widely used value structure adopted from social sciences. Our results show that: (a) only a small proportion of the publications directly consider values, classified as relevant publications; (b) for the majority of the values, very few or no relevant publications were found; and (c) the prevalence of the relevant publications was higher in SE conferences compared to SE journals. This paper shares these and other insights that motivate research on human values in software engineering

    Evaluating the layout quality of UML class diagrams using machine learning

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    UML is the de facto standard notation for graphically representing software. UML diagrams are used in the analysis, construction, and maintenance of software systems. Mostly, UML diagrams capture an abstract view of a (piece of a) software system. A key purpose of UML diagrams is to share knowledge about the system among developers. The quality of the layout of UML diagrams plays a crucial role in their comprehension. In this paper, we present an automated method for evaluating the layout quality of UML class diagrams. We use machine learning based on features extracted from the class diagram images using image processing. Such an automated evaluator has several uses: (1) From an industrial perspective, this tool could be used for automated quality assurance for class diagrams (e.g., as part of a quality monitor integrated into a DevOps toolchain). For example, automated feedback can be generated once a UML diagram is checked in the project repository. (2) In an educational setting, the evaluator can grade the layout aspect of student assignments in courses on software modeling, analysis, and design. (3) In the field of algorithm design for graph layouts, our evaluator can assess the layouts generated by such algorithms. In this way, this evaluator opens up the road for using machine learning to learn good layouting algorithms. Approach.: We use machine learning techniques to build (linear) regression models based on features extracted from the class diagram images using image processing. As ground truth, we use a dataset of 600+ UML Class Diagrams for which experts manually label the quality of the layout. Contributions.: This paper makes the following contributions: (1) We show the feasibility of the automatic evaluation of the layout quality of UML class diagrams. (2) We analyze which features of UML class diagrams are most strongly related to the quality of their layout. (3) We evaluate the performance of our layout evaluator. (4) We offer a dataset of labeled UML class diagrams. In this dataset, we supply for every diagram the following information: (a) a manually established ground truth of the quality of the layout, (b) an automatically established value for the layout-quality of the diagram (produced by our classifier), and (c) the values of key features of the layout of the diagram (obtained by image processing). This dataset can be used for replication of our study and others to build on and improve on this work. Editor\u27s note: Open Science material was validated by the Journal of Systems and Software Open Science Board


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    Researches in natural languange processing indicated that more data led to better accuracy. Processing this large scale of data using single machine has its own limitation that can be handled by processing data in parallel. This research used MapReduce on part-of-speech (POS) tagging. MapReduce is programming model developed for processing large data, while POS tagging is one the earliest steps in natural language processing. POS tagging approach used in this research is Maximum Entropy model in Bahasa Indonesia. MapReduce model is implemented in some parts of training and tagging process. MapReduce is implemented in dictionary, tagtoken, and feature creation, and also in calculation using improved iterative scaling (IIS). It is found out that calculation using IIS could not implemented using MapReduce model, because there is updating probability parameters that closely related so that it could not implemented in parallel. The experiments conducted using 100,000 and 1,000,000 words training corpus from Pan Localization and 12,000 words training corpus used in Wicaksono and Purwarianti's research. The experiments showed that total training time using MapReduce is faster than without using it. However, MapReduce's result reading time inside training process slow down the training total time. Tagging experiments conducted using different numbers of map and reduce process on different sizes corpora gathered from various news sites. The experiments showed MapReduce implementation could speedup the tagging process. The fastest result is shown by tagging process using 1,000,000 words corpus and 30 map process


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    Information about boarding house area in Yogyakarta is required by university students and employees especially people who come from the outside of Yogyakarta because they should stay in Yogyakarta for a little while. Therefore, needed a advertisement information system of boarding house that includes area of Yogyakarta Special Region. This Boarding House Advertisement Information System is very helpful for people who need information about boarding houses. The owner of boarding houses is also better able to advertise their boarding house. Operational information system of boarding house advertisement was built using web based PHP programming language supported by the framework Codelgniter, Javascript with framework JQuery, Webserver Apache, and MySQL use for managing basis data. This system has the ability manage boarding house data, member data, advertisement rent data, confirm data, advertisement data, reporting data, and guestbook data. In addition, this system is also equipped by a map facility using Google Maps to show the location of where the boarding house place is


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    In apprenticeship, logging activity, presence, and documentation are needed. Writing apprenticeship log that consists of many activities manually is inconvenience for the student. Consequently, apprenticeship log becomes incomplete and likely to be ignored. The presence of an application to support writing this log could help the student. The ActivNote application is developed into 2 sides, client-side and server-side. Client-side meant to be developed on Android based smartphone, using HTML programming language, JavaScript by jQuery framework, and AJAX to transfer the data. Meanwhile on server-side, the application is developed using PHP programming language by Laravel framework and database administration using MySQL. This application has various features to log activities, presence, and documentation. In the next, this application can be integrated with apprenticeship information system, thus facilitate the apprenticeship activity


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    dan Dekorasi only made through manual recording in the reservation book. This recording method is quite suffice enough, but less effective and efficient because it cannot be transformed into a report. Furthermore, it is harder to check all the transaction. Therefore, a web based information system of wedding packages ordering service is needed for Larasati Griya Rias dan Dekorasi in order to improve service for customer�s satisfaction. The purpose of making this information system is to provide a solution to the problems mentioned above. This web based information system is expected to ease the process of ordering a wedding package into something that is simple, straightforward, and practical needs. It is essential, especially to cope with competition in the world of wedding organizer. Also this information system can help spreading information, managing order, and help to ease customers to do the ordering process. This information system is created using HTML programming language, Javascript, jQuery PHP, and MySQL database server